GIYM Primary


Disadvantaged and vulnerable children aged 4-11 across the UK. 


Primary schools in disadvantaged areas. Eligible schools must meet a minimum pupil premium* percentage requirement of 35%.

* Pupil premium is funding given by the government to publicly funded schools to help improve attainment of their disadvantaged pupils. Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds often do not perform as well as their peers. For every child that is eligible for a free school meal the government awards funding to help the school with costs to close the gap between children from low income families and their peers.


Currently, sessions are run in 16 locations across the UK, from Aberdeen to London.

All of our hub areas have an After School session. These will normally take place at the school so there are no transportation issues and the best way for kids to access more tennis.

giym primary locations
School 1


Our sessions focus on healthy living, self-confidence, respect, coordination and goal setting.

Children will develop basic skills of coordination, balance and agility. Through competition and play they enjoy the opportunity of securing existing friendships and making new friends. They learn the importance of team work, collaboration, respect and sportsmanship.

Of children feel more confident
1 %
Increase in happiness reported by teachers
1 %
Increase in concentration reported by coaches
1 %
Increase in independence reported by parents
1 %
Increase in friendships reported by parents
1 %


Sport plays a critical role in maintaining good physical and mental wellbeing for both adults and children.
IMG 2680

What people say?

There is an epidemic of inactivity, obesity and diabetes in the UK and prevention is better than cure. Give It Your Max creates sporting opportunity and promotes a healthy, active lifestyle to children from deprived areas who are most at risk, complementing the work of local authorities and the NHS in addressing this complex health burden.
Dr Paul Riley
GP Merton